Neobeo is the musical pseudonym of Berlin-based Martin Brune.
He is a part of ''Copycow Records'' and the ''Synergy Tribe'' collective.
He has long been obsessed with the idea of music in all it's variations, beginning his explorations in the field of DJing around 2001.
A fan of the extra touch, his DJ sets are streaked with self-recorded samples and live instruments.
Neobeo's home is the downtempo chillout scene.
After years living with musicians, in 2001 he visited Morocco to study Darbuka percussion and 2009 the Bansuri flute in the north of India.
Influenced by his travels around the globe and a wide range of
styles including Trip Hop, Ambient and Dub his love affair with
electronic underground music has never ceased to grow.
Whether mashing an electronic downtempo blues with a 80's synth punk cabaret or a post indie garage ballad with a balkan klezmer ambient symphony... Neobeo will take the crowd on a wild and unexpected ride.
just finished a live stream recording with birdhouse productions at
Kunkerkranich Berlin, a "Montagssorbet" Podcast for Laut & Luise
Records, a Set for the Boom Festival in Portugal. and a Downdisco Set for the last Garbicz Festival in Poland and a Potcast for Urban Cosmonaut Radio.
In the early 90's he played bass guitar in various thrash metal bands including "Bullfrog Inc." and "Napalm Alm".
From 2001 to 2005 he was a part of Leviatan Records and from 2005 to 2009 a part of Mental Arts Records Cologne.
Between 2005 and 2007 Neobeo wrote chillout reviews for the international music press "Mushroom Magazine".
He worked as a resident DJ 2008, 2011 & 2012 in the Magic Park, la Muela and the Coco Loco Club in Arambol (Goa India) where he first met the Copycow Crew.
He plays instruments including didgeridoo, different types of percussion instruments, kalimba, mouth harp, different types of wind instruments, guitar, piano and some more. Presently you can find him as Resident at "Süss. War Gestern" and "Katerschmaus" in Berlin.

festivals & international gigs
3000Grad ✦ Antaris ✦ Artlake ✦ Boom (Portugal) ✦ Camp Tipsy ✦ Cosmic Convergence (Guatemala) ✦ Fusion ✦ Garbicz (Poland) ✦ Gathering of the Tribes ✦ Hai in den Mai ✦ Indian Juggling Convention (India) ✦ Indian Spirit ✦ Klimacamp ✦ Lusatia ✦ Mary Jane ✦ Meeresrausch ✦ Moyn Moyn ✦ Mountain Madness (Nepal) ✦ Mystic Creatures ✦ Psychedelic Experience ✦ Soma ✦ Summer Jam ✦ Stemmwede ✦ Tal der Verwirrung ✦ Tshitraka Project ✦ Voov Experience ✦ Wilde Möhre ✦ Wanderzirkus ✦ Wonderland ✦ Zurück zu den Wurzeln
Alte Münze (Berlin) ✦ Bassy (Berlin) ✦ Beate Uwe (Berlin) ✦ Birgit & Bier (Berlin) ✦ BLO Ateliers (Berlin) ✦ Butan (Wuppertal) ✦ Club Charlotte (Münster) ✦ Crack Bellmer (Berlin) ✦ Druckluft (Oberhausen) ✦ Edelfettwerk (Hamburg) ✦ Friedas Büxe (Zurich) ✦ Fundbureau (Hamburg) ✦ Goethebunker (Essen) ✦ Gretchen (Berlin) ✦ Holzmarkt (Berlin) ✦ Kaos (Berlin) ✦ Kater Blau (Berlin) ✦ KitKatClub (Berlin) ✦ Klunkerkranich (Berlin) ✦ Mensch Meier (Berlin) ✦ Metropol (Berlin) ✦ Odonien (Cologne) ✦ Papierfabrik (Cologne) ✦ Ritter Butzke (Berlin) ✦ Rosie's (Berlin) ✦ Rummelsbucht (Berlin) ✦ Schildahalle (Oberhausen) ✦ Sisyphos (Berlin) ✦ Suicide Circus (Berlin) ✦ Südpol (Hamburg) ✦ Süss. War Gestern (Berlin) ✦ Turnhalle (Bern) ✦ Underground (Cologne) ✦ Wilde Renate (Berlin) ✦ Zeche (Bochum) ✦ Zirkus Mond (Berlin)